An article about the little ways to stop global climate change.
By: Charlotte O’Connor
Melissa Denchak,a freelance writer and editor wrote an article In 2011 on just exactly how to reduce the risks of Global Climate Change. She begins with the slogan, “ Healing the planet starts in your garage, your kitchen, and your dining room table” and this could not be more true. We can’t live in a world where people don’t travel by cars and we cannot guarantee that people will use earth friendly products not in there price range but it is about the little things we can do to take action. Like stated in Denchak’s article, the simple lightbulb can even be a major source in this process. “LED light bulbs use up to 80% less less energy than conventional incandescents”. LED light bulbs going on sale at local tool stores for under 20$.
We all know the phrase, “ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” but we should absolutely follow this catchy saying. By just recycling, we can save 2,400 pounds of Carbon Dioxide. By Reusing, we are saving not only money but energy and natural resources. In final, by reducing, we lower the air pollution in large trashtransferring trucks, reduce greenhouse gasses, and we keep saving energy we will need. By listening to these three R’s we could be another step closer to stopping Global Warming.
Finally, and the most simple of them all. By just turning off electronic devices, such as phones and laptops for just short amounts of time even lowers the risk of climate change. Yes, even something so easy that so many people do can help our environment. How does this work? When we turn off our phones we lower the amount of fuel we get from electricity. There are hundreds of more ways to help our global issue, plant a tree, conserve water,turn off the lights, and even spread the word. Get people who aren’t aware of this huge issue on board with saving it.If we all do one of these small, easy things every day we are one step closer to a climate- change free world.
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