Thursday, January 12, 2017


On January 20, 2016, Mr. Donald Trump will be officially the President of the United States. As the new Commander in Chief, of the greatest nation on earth, he will be the only sitting world leader to openly reject fighting climate change. According to his twitts he believes global warming and climate change is a "total hoax." This view openly rejects the scientific data that proves global warming is not a fiction story, but a reality.

As Donald Trump assembles his group of advisors and cabinet members he has carefully selected a group of people who reject or deny global warming. He has openly made his view clear to the world and has attacked agencies and organizations which support environmental regulations to reduce greenhouse emissions. For example, he has called the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) a "Disgrace" and has mention his intention to cancel the Paris climate change deal. Mr. Trump's ideas scares leaders around the world due to the fact that the United States is one of the top countries producing greenhouse emissions.

According to a July report by the Sierra Club, 195 world leaders acknowledged that immediate actions are needed to curb the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Amazingly enough, even North Korea signed the Paris climate accords and has promised to plant trees to reduce greenhouse emissions. The world is taking the necessary steps to promote a healthier environment for future generations and it needs a leader to lead the way. Which nation will lead the way?

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