Thursday, January 12, 2017

So, what would life be like without gasoline/petroleum?

So, what would life be like without petroleum/gasoline? Life as we know it would come to a complete stop. It would literally set human civilizations back 300 to 400 years. Imagine no gas for automobiles, no diesel to power up trucks to bring basic necessities such as food to the cities, less people living in the cities, no fuel for airplanes to travel anywhere, no natural gas or heating to keep us warm at home during harsh winters, no plastics which is a derivate of petroleum, among other things. It would be a complete disaster for people and companies around the world as economies would collapse and stop providing basic necessities for millions and millions of people around the world. As a result millions and millions of people may be left out of the food which will lead to starvation and death.

Population growth is a result of strong fossil fuel economic systems providing customers with everything they want to consume, but all this comes to an end with the end of petroleum/gasoline. Life as we know it today would disappear and it will be very difficult for younger generations to adjust. It is imperative to create alternative sources of energy in order to make sure humans continue to evolve in this beautiful planet. It is very difficult for economies to change rapidly so it is imperative that we focus on changing our energy use habits immediately and change to alternative energy.

But on a brighter note life would most likely be more family focused with more communal involvement. Humans would breath cleaner air, without cars we will walk longer distances which will be good for our health, and we would find more alternatives to cleaner renewable energy sources. Necessity is the mother of all inventions.

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