Saturday, January 14, 2017

Global Warming is having a negative impact on the water supply

Water is fundamental to human existence. It is the one thing that no human can go for a long period of time without dying. It is use for everything from drinking, bathing, growing crops, supporting livestock, moving goods across the world by using the oceans, generating electricity, among other things. So, it is a precious resource that sustain living organisms on earth and it beautifies our world when it rains and plants grow providing a beautiful landscape across mountains. But global warming and climate change is profoundly affecting our water supply by threatening water availability, quality, and access.

Water supply is made available to people in cities and rural areas. In many parts of the world water has to travel via aqueducts or pipes for hundreds and hundreds of miles such as in the case of California where water has to travel from the mountains of the Northern California all the way to cities in the Southern parts of the state. Plenty of the water that cities such as Los Angeles receives comes from mountain snowpacks in Northern California. But this water supply is being interrupted by global warming. The loss of mountain snowpacks and earlier spring snowmelt as a result of higher temperatures are reducing the availability of drinking water all over the state of California. The shrinking of mountain glaciers is threatening  water availability for millions of people across the world. As data is examined these same scenarios are happening in other parts of the world.

As global warming becomes more evident and as temperatures rise scientists believe that sea levels will rise. This will lead to saltwater intrusion into groundwater drinking supplies in low-lying coastal areas. Our drinking water supply is already very low and we need to react and act now to curb the rise of temperatures. It is a certainty that our actions today will affect the water supply for future generations and it is vital and imperative to put a collective effort and reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are going to the atmosphere.

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