Thursday, March 30, 2017

As the Ocean warms, our food supply is severely affected

Much of the attentions has been placed on the effects of climate change on farms, forests, fresh water sources and the economy. But we have forgotten how devastating the effects of climate change are to our ocean. The ocean has an enormous capacity to absorb heat and carbon dioxide but this has limits. Currently, ocean temperatures are measured regularly around the world from the ocean surface to the ocean floor as this ensure accurate readings of global temperatures.

According to scientific data one of the most noticeably effects of ocean warming is coral-bleaching. Mass coral bleaching results in the starvation, shrinkage,  and death of the corals that support thousands of species that live on coral reefs. To make things worse many fish species have migrated towards the planet's poles as a result of ocean temperatures rising. This in turn has reduced many fish species that humans consume on a daily basis.

Scientific data has demonstrated the ocean has absorbed about 30 percent of all carbon dioxide that has been emitted by human activities. This is leading to a change in ocean acidification and as a result causing tremendous harm to ocean species that use calcium carbonate to form their skeletons and shells, as these species can no longer use natural ocean chemistry to continue to reproduce and survive.

Acidification is also reducing the amount of sulfur flowing out of the ocean into the atmosphere. This reduces reflection of solar radiation back into space. This leads to an increase in global temperatures. The lists of the negative effects of ocean temperature increase is growing as more scientific data is being evaluated by the scientific community.

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