Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Ocean is not Republican and is not Democrat

When politicians are getting sponsored and funded  by big interest groups they will bend over backwards and ignore the findings of the scientific community. Such is the case of Senator Marco Rubio who has reiterated his position that he does not believe that human activities are causing climate change and global warming. Despite the fact that the State of Florida is already seeing massive storms with more frequency destroying entire communities. To top this reality coastal regions are seeing chronic floods which are changing entire coastal communities.

Another politician is Gov. Rick Scott of Florida who has used his power to discredit scientists and all their data. Mr. Scott has gone so far as to prohibit officials from using the words "climate change." As you read this article there are millions of dollars being spent by giant corporations to discredit Scientists and doubt all the data gathered throughout decades.

These people, in the name of big sponsoring interest groups. are setting up their own people for an uncertain future. The ocean is not Republican and is not Democrat and all it knows how to do is rise and rise. Unfortunately, greed will continue to shadow the truth and people like, Sen. Ted Cruz, will continue to deny a global problem.

As we hear how these politicians express their ignorant views we cannot stop wondering if they are true patriots of the United States. We cannot stop wondering if they are looking out for the interest of the entire country or the interest of greedy corporations. The scientific facts are undeniable and we cannot continue to ignore a global reality.

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