Thursday, February 16, 2017

Global Warming Effects on Ocean Temperatures

The oceans covers about 70 percent of Earth's total surface. Due to its gigantic size the oceans play a fundamental role in determining weather cycles on a local and global scale. The ocean is key to all life existence and any changes can potentially disrupt and lead to extinction of life on earth as we know it today. It is imperative to take care of our oceans.

Scientific evidence suggests that human activities are bringing changes to the oceans. Ocean surface temperatures have increased during the 20th century and this has been more noticeable during the past three decades. As a result of the rise of ocean temperature, species which have inhabited the oceans since the beginning of time, are now extinct or on the border of extinction. The rise of temperatures has serious consequences for all living species on earth.

Scientific data also proves that oceans and sea levels have risen at a rate of six-tenths of an inch per decade. But this process has accelerated recently as scientific data has proven that within the past decades the rate has increased to more than an inch per decade. This rise in water levels is more noticeably along the Mid-Atlantic coast and parts of the Gulf coast. As sea levels rise, drylands and wetlands can turn into open waters causing serious problems for people living near the coasts. In addition, the rise of water levels can lead to massive flooding. This has been evident in many parts of US coastal areas.

As temperatures continue to rise the oceans become more acidic. During the past decades ocean acidity has increased to dangerous levels due to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolving in the water. Higher levels of acidity destroy the mineral balance of the oceans and as a result ocean species either die or are permanently changed. For example, many marine animals are able to build their protective shells or skeletons by using ocean minerals - But the change in mineral composition in the oceans can alter the ability of these marine animals to successfully built their shells or skeletons.

Global warming effects cannot be ignored as the rise of ocean temperatures puts coastal cities at risk, threaten coral reefs as well as fisheries, increases infrastructure costs, and the rise of ocean temperatures hurt the planet by accelerating the global warming trend. The need for change is now and we must declare the war on global warming.

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