Saturday, March 11, 2017

REFORESTATION: the act of planting one tree at a time to reduce global warming

So, what is REFORESTATION? it is the act of planting trees to recreate missing forests and strengthening existing ones. It is one of the solutions put in place during the Paris Climate Change Agreements. The scientific community has agreed that among the many solutions to reduce greenhouse gases it is to plant one tree at a time.

Reforestation has many benefits to the health of our world and the atmosphere. First, trees store carbon dioxide emitted by human actions. Second, after intaking carbon dioxide the trees then produce oxygen essential for human health. Third, trees and the soil they grow in collect rain water and naturally filter it before we use it. Fourth, the roots of trees keep soil in place preventing erosion, which is extremely important in mountainous regions. Finally, forests help sustain a high diversity of wildlife.

Cutting down trees for things we use everyday such as farmland, firewood, and paper is not always the best idea as it adds carbon into the atmosphere. So, REFORESTATION should be a priority for many countries around the world. A careful plan that takes into account geography and the benefits or reforestation should be carefully consider in order to help future generations. Some countries have have been leading the world taking initiatives for reforestation projects such as China, India, Costa Rica, and the United States.

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