Saturday, March 11, 2017

The sun's energy can power our energy needs

Mr. Albert Einstein stated that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another."  This statement reflects how energy behaves and it reflects the idea that energy never dies as it is continuously beings transferred through various forms. It is through this process that humans can harness the sun's energy and reduce the use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

By harnessing the sun's energy we can reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and therefore reduce climate change and global warming. The technology is available but a massive shift is needed on the part of people and governments around the world to bring a change. Unfortunately, it is in the best interest of big energy companies to avoid the use of solar energy because their insane and unbelievable profits will crumble.

The sun's energy can be harness by installing PV systems, using solar water heating systems, using solar thermal electricity systems, using passive solar energy systems, and solar heating and cooling systems. These are some of the methods that can have a big impact in reducing the amounts of greenhouse gases being emitted to the atmosphere right now. The benefits outweigh the initial investment and will surely provide a safer and cleaner world for our sons and daughters and the sons and daughtersof our sons and daughters.

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