Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Ocean is not Republican and is not Democrat

When politicians are getting sponsored and funded  by big interest groups they will bend over backwards and ignore the findings of the scientific community. Such is the case of Senator Marco Rubio who has reiterated his position that he does not believe that human activities are causing climate change and global warming. Despite the fact that the State of Florida is already seeing massive storms with more frequency destroying entire communities. To top this reality coastal regions are seeing chronic floods which are changing entire coastal communities.

Another politician is Gov. Rick Scott of Florida who has used his power to discredit scientists and all their data. Mr. Scott has gone so far as to prohibit officials from using the words "climate change." As you read this article there are millions of dollars being spent by giant corporations to discredit Scientists and doubt all the data gathered throughout decades.

These people, in the name of big sponsoring interest groups. are setting up their own people for an uncertain future. The ocean is not Republican and is not Democrat and all it knows how to do is rise and rise. Unfortunately, greed will continue to shadow the truth and people like, Sen. Ted Cruz, will continue to deny a global problem.

As we hear how these politicians express their ignorant views we cannot stop wondering if they are true patriots of the United States. We cannot stop wondering if they are looking out for the interest of the entire country or the interest of greedy corporations. The scientific facts are undeniable and we cannot continue to ignore a global reality.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

When Rising Sea Levels Hit Home

As our world temperatures rise, with more frequency, we see more flooding of coastal cities. In the face of this problem there is not much we can do, except to  reduce fossil fuel burning. The title of this post has been borrowed from the "Union of Concerned Scientists" website, in order to present the danger of rising sea levels and the eminent catastrophes that hundreds of coastal cities around the world are facing or will be facing in the near future.

Coastal residents are about to get exposed to seawater visiting their homes, interruptions of normal routines such as driving to work. As the United States pulls out of the Paris Accord Agreements the fight and survival of our world falls on the shoulders of industrialized nations such as France, Germany, Great Britain, among others. Chronic flooding will make normal routines almost impossible if nothing is done right now by the biggest emission emitters.

According to the scientific definition chronic flooding is defined as flooding that occurs at least 26 times per year. According to studies done by scientists by 2035 about 170 communities will suffer from chronic flooding in the United States. The number will dramatically increase and by the year 2100 close to 500 communities will suffer chronic flooding throughout coastal cities in the United States. As the study expands worldwide it is estimated that thousands of coastal regions will become victims to the effects of global warming and climate change.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Al Gore - "We have to act together... Our ability to live is what is at stake"

Former vice President Al Gore is working nonstop to save our planet as he continues to expose the problem facing our world today and paints a gloomy uncertain future. According to Al Gore, scientists are alarmed at the pace our world is changing as a result of man caused global warming. According Mr. Gore, sea levels worldwide are at a pace to rise and forever change our world as we know it today. For example, in the Southern parts of Florida, in Manhattan, and in parts of shanghai millions of people will die or be displaced as entire cities disappear as a result of global warming.

This is a problem that needs to be part of the global agenda. A global effort is needed to stop our world from getting hotter and hotter. This means sacrifices need to be part of society. These sacrifices involve such things as changing methods of transportations, changing methods of agriculture, changing methods of collecting energy, among other things.

Our world is changing day by day. Days are getting hotter, storms are popping up in places that have never before experienced such catastrophes, sea leves are rising wiping out islands, mountains that used to be covered by ice are now a distant reality. As we move forward think about our sons, daughters and future generations that will suffer because we did not take care of our planet. The next generations will forever question the actions we take today to protect our planet.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Hottest Years All Since 1998

The World is changing. Since 1998 record setting temperatures have been recorded and it seems to be getting worse. The scientific community is predicting that if we do not make drastic changes to our ways of life future generations will pay the price for our carelessness.

In the name of "PROGRESS' and profits corporations and consumers all over the world are burning fossil fuels and using a variety of chemicals which are destroying our planet. We are all guilty of contributing to this problem as we burn fossil fuels to make our lives more confortable.

There is no such thing as a free or inexpensive lunch. What we do today has a future price and our sons and daughters will have to pay the prince.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Trump's Negative Impact on the Environment

Nations around the world are deeply concerned and watching carefully the environmental actions and decisions that have been taken by the United States President. Mr. Trump has publicly acknowledged his intention to destroy the environmental gains and legacy left by former President Barack Obama. This reckless and irresponsible behavior is causing panic not only around the world but also here in the United States.

Mr. Trump signed a sweeping executive order aimed at destroying efforts by by the previous administration to combat global warming and climate change. The president has clearly stated that our nation does not have to choose between environmental protection and economic development. What this individual is forgetting is that by his actions he is literally destroying the lives of future generations.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is being crippled by the President. Its ability to combat climate changed has been taken away by limiting the agency's work on reducing global warming. Mr. Trump has also proposed budget cuts to the agency by almost a third and as a result burying Obama-era climate protections. Many States, including the State of California is watching carefully how this "public enemy number one of the world" will continue to dismantle environmental protection laws.

Scientific evidence has proven the reality of climate change and the potential harm to our children and grand-children if continue the path of "progress" and disregard the ultimate consequences of a hotter world. Let us be brave and protect future generations by electing government officials who are sensitive to the needs of our planet and protect our world by passing laws that will reduce carbon dioxide, methane gas, and other harmful chemicals.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

As the Ocean warms, our food supply is severely affected

Much of the attentions has been placed on the effects of climate change on farms, forests, fresh water sources and the economy. But we have forgotten how devastating the effects of climate change are to our ocean. The ocean has an enormous capacity to absorb heat and carbon dioxide but this has limits. Currently, ocean temperatures are measured regularly around the world from the ocean surface to the ocean floor as this ensure accurate readings of global temperatures.

According to scientific data one of the most noticeably effects of ocean warming is coral-bleaching. Mass coral bleaching results in the starvation, shrinkage,  and death of the corals that support thousands of species that live on coral reefs. To make things worse many fish species have migrated towards the planet's poles as a result of ocean temperatures rising. This in turn has reduced many fish species that humans consume on a daily basis.

Scientific data has demonstrated the ocean has absorbed about 30 percent of all carbon dioxide that has been emitted by human activities. This is leading to a change in ocean acidification and as a result causing tremendous harm to ocean species that use calcium carbonate to form their skeletons and shells, as these species can no longer use natural ocean chemistry to continue to reproduce and survive.

Acidification is also reducing the amount of sulfur flowing out of the ocean into the atmosphere. This reduces reflection of solar radiation back into space. This leads to an increase in global temperatures. The lists of the negative effects of ocean temperature increase is growing as more scientific data is being evaluated by the scientific community.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Energy 101: Wind Turbines

Wind Turbines are vital energy producing machines as they generate clean electricity from the power of the wind and power thousands of homes and businesses. This is an alternative solutions for nations who which to become independent from oil producing countries (EPEC + Venezuela)