Wednesday, January 11, 2017

2015 Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption of Energy

Carbon Dioxide emissions is still very high. The data from from 2015 indicates China and the United States as the biggest Carbon Dioxide emitters. Both countries are addicted to fossil fuels and they must feed their addiction by burning more and more fossil fuels. The numbers are not encouraging from  2015 and even today as the percentages have not changed that much since then.

The next two biggest users of fossil fuels are India and Japan. Both of these countries have growing economies. This can only mean an increase in demand for energy resulting in more Carbon Dioxide emissions being pushed to the atmosphere. As the data is analyzed four countries (China, United States, Japan, and India) emit more than 50% of Carbon Dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. This does not include Russia which has a growing economy and the obvious is they will increase the burning of fossil fuels to generate more for energy.

The problem is real and drastic changes must be made. Sacrifices must be made to save future generations from suffering the carelessness of our modern society.

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