Wednesday, January 11, 2017

So, who profits from denying Climate Change? ExxonMobile

The stakes are high and billions of dollars on the balance. Companies are wasting millions of dollars to prevent the passing of legislation that may hurt the crazy and ridiculous amounts of profits they make.

ExxonMobile is one of the biggest companies giving millions of dollars to politicians in order to get them to stop legislation that would fight global warming. At one point this company promised to stop funding climate denial-But that promised was shortly lived. Tax records show a different story as they have given millions to climate-denying politicians. ExxonMobile has given more than 2.3 million to members of Congress that deny climate change and block efforts to fight climate change. This is a win a win scenario for congressmen/legislators and ExxonMobile as both get what they need and want at the end of the day. ExxonMobile has a selected group of politicians like Oklahoma senator Jim Inhofe, who called global warming a hoax. Another distinguished politician is the Mississippi senator Roger Wicker, who has repeatedly denied that climate change is real. And now you can include President Donald Trump in the list of climate change deniers.

Recently, ExxonMobile gave $868,150 to Republican senators who voted who against a symbolic resolution which pointed out that human activity was a significant contributor to climate change. The 49 Republican senator who voted no received about $5,000 from ExxonMobile. In addition, ExxonMobile has continued to fund Alec, which works to block climate change legislation in state legislatures, according to figures compiled by the Climate Investigations Center from the oil company’s own disclosures in its annual Worldwide giving reports and foundation tax filings. For decades Alec has worked to block action on climate change as they draft bills for state legislatures with the intent of dismantling environmental regulations. This lobby group has featured speakers who call carbon dioxide emissions “the elixir of life.”

So who profits from denying the reality of climate change? Well, one of them is ExxonMobile. The sad reality is that this company has billions and billions of dollars in profits every year  and disregard a reality that can potentially destroy all living organisms.

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