Saturday, January 28, 2017

ChevronTexaco, Exxon, and BP among the biggest companies responsible for climate change

Chevron, Exxon and BP are among the 90 companies responsible for global warming and climate change. New research suggests that since the start of the Industrial Revolution the levels of greenhouse gases have dramatically increased due to the reckless behavior from private and government owned firms. These firms are responsible for about two thirds of the cumulative greenhouse emissions generated since the the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.

Adding to the above firms there are investor-owned firms to state-owned and government run firms. These companies are mainly oil companies with prestigious names such as the above firms as well as Royal Dutch Shell. Other companies include Saudi Arabia's Saudi Aramco, Russia's Gazprom, and Norway's Statoil. The research shows that all but seven of the 90 companies were energy companies producing oil, gas, and coal. The remaining seven companies were cement manufacturers.

According to research the largest of the investor-owned firms were responsible for an enormous amounts of greenhouse emissions. As examples, ChevronTexaco was the biggest greenhouse emitter with 3.5%, Exxon not far behind with 3.2%, and BP with 2.5%. These percentages seem very insignificant but they are significant in the fight reduce greenhouse gases.

Other major greenhouse emitters are government-run and coal companies in the former Soviet Union which produced about 8.9% and China with about 8.6% of total global emissions. Large companies are the heart of of global emissions and this poses a serious problem as these companies handle billions of dollars and have the capabilities and power to buy government officials to prevent regulations. These companies pay millions and millions to prevent politicians from interfering in their businesses. Tragically, money rules at the expense of human health, ocean biosphere, and the extinction of species.

Scientific data suggests that unless global emissions is reduced the effects of global warming has the potential of harming all living organisms. Let us do our part by thinking green.

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